donderdag 4 februari 2010

I [heart] sketchbooks!

I love love love little books with blank papers (see 'dummie'). It allows me to play, which is in my opinion the most important (and fun) skill for an artist, and maybe even for human beings in general. The last one is especially precious to me, because I'm getting better at the 'playing'-thing. Doing, not thinking (that's the hard part for me) Playing with colours and shapes, quick drawings and ideas and inspirations written everywhere. I'm so excited about realizing them!
And I also started a new one today! Exclusively for colour combinations (first photo).
What about you? Do you keep a sketchbook or some kind of journal?
(cuteness @ My life is ... )

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Mooie foto´s !! Love jouw Anna boekje...
    Dat nog veel boekjes en speeluurtjes alleen of samen mogen volgen...

  2. what a totally inspirational idea - books dedicated to each set or types of playing. colours - yum. these images are contagious, I want to go and do some quick bits. At the mo I am doing it straight on to canvas and I have to be working on lots all at the same time . . .


  3. Ik kan niet zonder! ik heb mijn dummy altijd bij me! voor ditjes en datjes en rommeltjes en vonsten

  4. Only my blog but I'm thinking of starting a sketchbook too.

  5. i luuuv dummies
    maar ik vind het ook moeilijk. ik leer nog in doen en niet denken, als jij duzz. en momenteel.. gewoon te weinig tijd. kinders huis enzz
    en allemaal andere dingen die ik leuk vind... maar stapels papier en potloden en stiften en verf. datdanweerwel. [evenals stof, lapjes, knopen,ritsen, draad, wolletjes breipennen enzzzzzz];)

  6. Well I guess, nowadays people's blogs are more of journal, don't you think? But I love sketchbooks, there's an artist I used to love and in college I did a work about him, it's Peter Beard, I'll blog about him soon;) Have a great weekend, sweet Anna!

  7. The shop who sold dummies over here went out of bussiness. so have to go to Utrecht to get them .. but that is not that bad actually :)

  8. @ Amelia, Excited to see what you'll make this time! straight on canvas always makes me a bit nervous..
    @M.v.H fijn is dat he..mogen we een keer meespieken?:)
    @Don, I can recommend it!
    @Pien, waarom is dat toch zo moeilijk he gewoon spelen? en tijd ja, nooit geoeg he..
    @ Bichos: you too! Looking forward to the post!
    @ Elis, nee Utrecht is nooit een straf :)

  9. LOVE this! I keep a journal of memories for the MODgirls. I paste little notes Luxe gives me, little drawings, thoughts, our days... I'll give it to them when they are older.

    Especially love your color combinations. Just this morning I was thinking of doing some posts on some of my favorites...

    Happy Week!
