dinsdag 9 maart 2010

Walking in Wisdom

Staying true to the soft Voice inside.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. i love love love those owls! they are great!

  2. ein lustiges Musterdurcheinander! ;-)

    oh yes! Listen to the voice inside...
    not always easy to understand what it is saying and not always easy to follow it - but we all work on it - don't we?

  3. thank you for your help!
    you see, I didn't really make any progresses since the last week...
    but I got an idea 3 minutes ago about three dancing couples and all of the persons are flirting to someone else... I'm doing some scetches and checking dance figures on internet and some blogs as well...

  4. What a fabulous concept. I love the little owls and the foot....
