woensdag 20 februari 2013

Starting with L

Lists are a life saver for brains wired like mine and visual lists, as  I am discovering lately, are even better! What about you?

maandag 11 februari 2013

Plan de Campagne..

Using some of the big stack of illustration ideas that are piling up in my studiospace before I sketch new ones, repairing old clothes before buying new once (I have already been keeping that rule for a whole year! gifts and giftcards excluded) Rereading my books about creativity and non conformitive lifestyles before getting myself new ones. Improving ´old´ skills instead of learning new ones. Adding a little more policy to my vison, thats my way to go for the next two months!

(Reply on my previous post: I´m progressing slowly through the book, but I already love how it challenges ideas about economy -normally not really my interest- related tot creative talent and the artist)