zondag 30 mei 2010

Gate 2

She's back! Full of stories and..... with the intention to stay for a while!!
1. & 3. Don't you love the design of these gate doors? They 'kiss' every time the door closes, it made the waiting a lot more fun :)
2. There she is!
4. Detail of the print (painting of Rockwell) she brought me as a souvenir. Love it!

vrijdag 28 mei 2010

Pirates Gospel

This is what I was dancing on. This mornig it proofs to be good work-music too. The cover alone would have convinced me!

donderdag 27 mei 2010

Dancing with New Shoes

I felt so good yesterday evening dancing around in my livingroom with my new shoes (I am as happy as a child with them) on my new cd.

I want what I do to be like that. Like a perfectly fitting pair of shoes. The road changes. Sometimes it's nice and easy, sometimes there are a lot of rocks, but with the right pair of shoes I feel like I can do it all.

dinsdag 25 mei 2010

Corner View: 'At the end of my street'

At the end of my street, is the beginning of a journey.

One of the many things I like about my street.

maandag 24 mei 2010

In balloons

My weekend in balloons.
When I see balloons, I see prayers and dreams, how they float around between heaven and earth. Over-analyzing takes away the air that makes them fly.
(It wasn't me in the last post, but I'll tell her you like her!)

vrijdag 21 mei 2010

I'm off.
celebrating pentecost.
and letting the wind empty my head.

Have a great weekend

woensdag 19 mei 2010

Corner View: Collections

1. Say A
2. Mix&Match: Part of my red kitchen stuff
3. Art cards (affordable art & there is room for it in every space, even in mine :)
4. Old children books

I've been a collector for as long as I remember. Love the hunt & love the way it looks when you put it all together!

A collection of collections today--> see sidebar 'corner view'

The Winner is....

no. 18: Congratulations Francesca! If you mail me your adress I will send you the print of your choice!

zaterdag 15 mei 2010

Sugar Aunt

Yesterday it was a year ago that I became the (sugar) aunt of this fantastic little man. This was my contribution to the party. I really wanted to give them something special.. But I doubted till the last minute if the portrait was good enough and if I would bring it. So glad I did. They were so happy with it. It was excactly how they see their little boy and called it the best present ever :)
P.S. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my 1 year post, you made my day!

donderdag 13 mei 2010

1 Year & Give Away!

Hooray! My blog turns 1 today! That needs to be celebrated: I will give away a print from this little serie I made*. Just leave a comment and tell me which one you like best. In a week I will draw a name and send the winner the print of choice.
Thank you for your visits in the past year!!

*available soon: etsy in progress!

woensdag 12 mei 2010

Corner View: Statues & Fountains

1.diy statue/2&3. dummie/4mys sister and her little boy, she deserves a statue for never giving up in hard times.

This weeks corner view made me think:
If you could place a statue for someone, for who would it be?
(P.S. Tomorrow I've got something to celebrate, so stay tuned ;)

zondag 9 mei 2010

Some Answers

For inner-dialogues.

vrijdag 7 mei 2010

Red Thread

What will be my 'red thread'? It's more a feeling than a knowing. Sometimes its hard to explain the difference to people between not knowing what the outcome of your search will be and not going anywhere. After being very goal-oriented for several years. I enjoy allowing myself to explore (although the discomfort of not knowing is part of the deal too), and to just be. As an inspiring lady likes to say 'We're not an human DOing', but a human BEing. For now I enjoy just that.

donderdag 6 mei 2010

Walk of Liberty

Yesterday it was 'Liberation Day' here . May 1945 was the end of world war II in the Netherlands. Freedom. So good to not take it for granted. The stories of my grandparents are still in the back of my mind. To give it a broader meanig the day is also called 'day of freedom'. Being free is not just to 'not live in war. For me it's also being free from expectations, being free to express yourself, being free from worries and so on. So when I felt those expectations and worries pressing on my shoulder yesterday evening, I decided to take a little liberty walk. The sun was shining, the flags were still hanging and I felt.. free.

dinsdag 4 mei 2010

Corner View: Garden

I don't have a space outside which I can call my own, but I as you can see I am surrounded by green.
I love the metaphore of a garden (a lot of gardenrelated drawings in my sketchbook). With the human eye you can't see your plants grow (try sitting before a plant :). First you sow things you want your garden to be filled with. Than there is always a waiting period involved. And some Sun. A lot of Water. But there always comes a time that you look out of your window and see the result!
(Enjoy your digital garden tour today! -->see sidebar corner view, you might want to start here cause she is hosting todays cv..)

maandag 3 mei 2010


Some photos from last weekend. We spend two days playing around with images, words, sounds an movement. Discovering new things on our search to Beauty. Asking ourselves: What's next? It's good to have Playmates.
(first photo: cutout of a photo from 'national geographic' magazine, which I modified with white drawing ink)

zondag 2 mei 2010

Brian Dettmar

You have to see this. It is just insane!! So inspiring. A love for books on a whole different level. It remids me of the endless possibilities there are to create art.
(photo: where I stayed this weekend, back with a backpack full of inspiration, more about that tomorrow)