vrijdag 25 juni 2010

Red Summer

Feeling hot hot hot. Bought some refreshing in style. It doesn't do the trick with two guests in a small appartement.
I feel like painting with tropical colours.
And like swimming.
Have a great hot weekend.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Love all your photos Anna! The third one is amazing. Enjoy your hot weekend!

  2. LOVE that fan! Hope it is helping with the heat!

  3. Gaaf! OP een zwarte streepjesstoel rood met witte stippen..zat lieve Anna heen en weer te wippen!(op de wijs van ..op een grote paddestoel)

  4. Is there anything better than red checkered table cloths and polkadots? I think not :-) Hope you've cooled down a little by now!?

  5. Oh yeah I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE a nice and hot week !!!! ;-)

  6. what a beautiful post... those pics are great!
    and red is one of my favorite colors...

  7. You had a tea party toooo!

    ♥ Alice Maria-Thérèse Afiori in a Swedish wonderland blog.afiori.com

  8. you have a magic blog,
    i looooove it!
    greetings from spain

  9. want to see more of the coloured dresses!!!

  10. I love your pics... I love red, so red pics ! WAOUH !!!
