woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Countdown (from 10.000)

Today I walked pass a house where someone was practicing what appeared to be one of his first saxophone lessons. A somewhat unstable do-re-mi was repeated over and over. It made me think how we all know you can't just pick up an instrument and play like a star right away, but somehow expect to be able to do things perfect immediately in most areas of our lives. The only thing that makes perfect is practice. According to Ericsson you need 10.000 hours to master something. I say let's start the countdown!

pics: Apperently I already liked Roger Hargreaves
when I was a kid, I found this drawing in one of my primary school boxes

15 opmerkingen:

  1. I have none of my early school stuff, and so I hesitate to throw away ANY of my kids' drawings or school books - oh, balance is a hard skill to learn, perhaps it takes 10000 hours to master! :)

    1. Oh that is such a shame, at least you're kids benefit from it! Yes balance...that's one of the most complicated things to learn isn't it, but we'll get better every day :-)

  2. you did that drawing as a child ? WOW ! i'm impressed !

  3. Wow - that is really good! There are so many things I'd like to be an expert in... I guess I'd better get busy!

    1. That can be overwhelming at times! One step at a time :-)

  4. So true :) nice illustration for this CV!

  5. Obviously you practised illustrations about 10.000 times...don't ever stop!
    I think I should go and start my countdowns now!

    1. Still many hours to go, but very much enjoying my illustration journey, have fun with yours!

  6. Gosh, you are so right ofcourse. I tend to be way too impatient when learning something new as well. I better keep this in mind. Thanks! :-)

  7. 10000 hours??? holy mackerel... umpffffff.
    ha ha ha....

  8. Oh my. I'm interested in so many things, I need to find a way to connect them together, otherwise there won't be enough hours in my life! :D

    Actually, that may be a good idea. *started brainstorming right away* Thank you so much for the inspirational post, again!!
