woensdag 15 augustus 2012


Sitting in the sun and thinking about the balance between thankfullness and discontentment. Trying to be thankfull enough to be happy and positive about the things to come and dissatified enough to make the changes that need to be made.

(pics made with instagram)

12 opmerkingen:

  1. wise, anna!
    i sure have my own {dis}balance to carry, but have just risen from an ivigorating bath.
    so all is well for now.. ;))

  2. you always see things in the right (sun) light

    1. It's good to shed some light on things once in a while :-)

  3. Try to look at the right side of life! as the song says....I know sometimes it is not easy...

  4. It is a fine line. The important aspect for me is to not allow condemnation for those areas that need change and improvement. Conviction points out that something needs changed. Condemnation makes one feel like a failure. Humans tend to lean a lot toward condemnation esp. towards themselves.
    I started a "Thankful Journal" this past year and every day I sit and really think about all the little and big things from the day before that I'm thankful for.
    Such as:#5016--for comfy recliner to sleep in at night(my chronic pain to fibromyalgia & ostero arthritis was acting up, so it was a recliner night. But I've set up a wonderful corner in the dining room where I can snuggle and prop my legs up and sleep, grade papers, read, etc., so it's a blessing amidst the pain). 6079. Delightful one on one time with Addy(5 yr old granddaughter) 6082 the light in her eyes 6084 her imagination

    Beautiful 'collage' of photos! I esp. like the one of two friends smiling in the sunlight.

    1. You're so right about the importance of being able to distinguish conviction from condemnation! I always try to question my thoughts: is this constructive? Helps me stay in the right track. I love your thankfulness diary & the fact you numbered them! Coming Tuesday is my birthday, a good time to start my own, thank you :-)

  5. Je raakt de kern met je tekst! Hoop dat je gevoel snel volledig naar de goede kant helt.

    (en, als je een open account hebt, waar kan ik je volgen op instagram? Ik geloof dat ik je nog niet in mijn timeline heb namelijk!)

    1. Dank je

      Hmm nog niet, maar ik denk er wel over, twijfel nog een beetje over privacy.. Maar zodra ik er een open, laat ik het je weten :-)
